"Instinct is the only thing that can get us closer to the truth." (Gonzalo Borondo)

Thank you Juxtapoz for this beautiful interview with artist Gonzalo Borondo. Some of my favorite bits:

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“Research is trying to put some layers of artifice and lies out there, digging into the depths of the unknown. It is working without knowing where you are going. It is not looking for an answer, as I already accept that there are none.”

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“I keep going inside the tunnel, and then things appear. It is about taking steps towards something higher that I cannot express in words, but which might bring us closer to this world's mystery.”

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“In my work, I shed light on connections, contradictions, paradoxes and the hidden relationships between time and space. This, in turn, may open the path of these higher questions, or at least bring the feeling, the sensation that one layer has lifted.”

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“My work is actually a lot about layers and trying to discover what lies behind them; maybe it is why I like to scratch surfaces, to dig inside of them.”

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I don't know if there is a real truth and I don't want to find out because I know it is impossible…I go by instinct and by my feelings in what I do.”

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“Through theory, you cannot touch the heart… Instinct is probably the only thing that can get us closer to the truth.”

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 (Pix are from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bordeaux, taken by me in 2007. I fell in love with that space. In 2019 Borondo worked with the Museum on an installation in Bordeaux.)