Inside the carport studio...

I make work in Hawaii and Los Angeles. In LA I have an amazing studio in downtown LA that I share with 4 artists. In Hawaii I have my carport.

Now I love a lot of things about my carport. It’s convenient. It’s well ventilated, which is good when I’m using spray paint. It’s a perfect size.

But it has one major drawback, which is that it is totally unprotected. Gekkos, leaves, debris blowing through, getting stuck in my work… truly “en pleine aire”. I kept thinking I should try to find a studio in Kona. But the cost! The hassle!

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Then a couple of weeks ago, I started thinking about these gadgets that you use to keep flies off food. What if I could have jumbo sized ones, to put over my paintings?

So I decided to make some myself. And they are AWESOME! They work so well I made them in 4 sizes: 2’, 3’, 4’ and 6’ square.

Total game changer!

When I use them it feels like putting a cake in the oven. If you’ve ever made a cake, you know how satisfying that moment is. I love them. They make me happy. And…
